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October 2016 Dvina shaking out her coat
Sunshine, August 25, 2016: 12 year
Aurora passed away on April 12, 2016
Aurora in December 2015

Dvina 5 years
, (as well as all the dogs from our Dynamic litter)
Pictures submitted in 2015 by the owners of a Koraal dog
4 Generations
February 12, 2015
August 8, 2014
July 17, 2014
Pups growing from day to day

Dvina's first litter born

Dvina pregnant!!!
Aurora 11 years
Steun de Noordse stern !!!
Holiday in the snow
Aurora after her surgery
Yngvi visited his mother (!!!)
April 2014


October 2016 Dvina shaking out her coat

October 2016
it's raining so Dvina has to shake out her coat almost every day

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Sunshine, August 25, 2016: 12 year

August 25, 2016
Sunshine 12 year

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Aurora passed away on April 12, 2016

On April 12, 2016
our beloved Aurora unfortunatley died at the age of 13 years and nine months
This lovely girl will never be forgotten and stays in our hearts forvever!

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Aurora in December 2015

Aurora on December 15, 2015
(13,5 years of age in this picture)

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Dvina 5 years, (as well as all the dogs from our Dynamic litter)

June 3, 2015

Today our beautiful Dvina as well as the brothers and sisters from our Dynamic litter are celebrating their 5th birthday

Congratulations to the owners
Nadym (called: Alyosha)
Vologda (called: Nikolai)
Niva (called: Felice)
Voronya (called Ziva)
Dvina on June 3, 2015

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Pictures submitted in 2015 by the owners of a Koraal dog


May 31, 2015
Koraal's Dynamic Voronya
called: Ziva

became Dutch Champion!

Our sincere best wishes to the proud owners on this nice succes.


Koraal's Crystal Alaska
called: Laska

Laska, a male with a very tender character and beautiful coat photographed by Taoli who loves him very much! Thanks Taoli for sending us this nice picture!

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4 Generations

Four generations Koraal Dogs together.
Aurora in front with daughter, granddaughter and two great-granddaughters.

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February 12, 2015

Left picture: when a smart dog walks along large grasses he just closes his eye in preventing eye damages

Right picture: Sunshine always walks close to the boss

Aurora and Dvina running together
Aurora and Dvina playing together
Dvina playing with a friend
Three samoyeds
Three Samoyeds
Aurora, Dvina and Sunshine always do things together at the same time
Aurora, Dvina and Sunshine always do things together at the same time

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August 8, 2014
Yngvi in a wet coat
July 17, 2014
Aurora on her 12th birthday
Aurora 12 year

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April 2014

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Yngvi visited his mother (!!!)
March 9, 2014

Today the owners of Yngvi wanted to show him to us because he is growing so well. I think they are afraid that we will not recognize him anymore after a few months. Yngvi's mother Dvina, being in the middle of her period, must have been thinking: "well, perhaps this is an utmost opportunaty to teach my son some important lessons he hopefully needs in future!" Yngvi immediately understood but before following his mothers classes he decided to take a bath: "Always good to be clean so I will take a jump into the pool first!" (please, forgive me my anthropomorphic approach... I'm not used to do this often but the situation was so hilarious). If you think these adventures were enough to satisfy Yngvi's energy you are wrong... afterwards, he took another jump into the pond!
Anyway, Yngvi passed his mothers lessons succesfully (even still having his milk teeth!).

Don't worry, it just were lessons from a mother to a son. Nothing serious happened.


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Pups growing from day to day
Last 2 pictures taken on January 8

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Dvina's first litter born
on November 4, 2013
first day

On November 4, 2013 Dvina gave birth to
two healthy pups: a boy and a girl.

After birth the vet examined her thoroughly to see if she was not carrying more pups, but no, just these two lovely and beautiful little Samoyeds. We are very happy with the newborn babies, the same is Dvina.
She takes care of them very well.

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Dvina pregnant!!!

On September 5, 2013, our lovely Dvina was succesfully mated to Abakan Kaneeli Red Canyon Clay (called Matosh)
On Oktober 4, 2013 (Animals day) we went to the vet for an ultrasound...
Dvina is pregnant!
Expected day of birth: November 8, 2013

Dvina just after the mating
Matosh in search for Dvina...
Matosh in search for Dvina...
Matosh, looking for Dvina in the garden...
Dvina and Matosh
Dvina and Matosh
Before the mating
The weather was really hot! So after the mating Dvina and Matosh decided to rest in the garden against the cold wall of the deep pond wich is also underground.
Before the mating
the two together behind the window
After the mating
From left to right:
Before the mating, looking through the window, after the mating
Grandmother Aurora (11) with her daughter Sunshine (9) & granddaughter Dvina (3) in conference.
It seems they share a secret...
This morning we learned what they were whispering about

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Aurora 11 years
Aurora 11 year
Onze Aurora is 11 jaar geworden!

Ze is nog steeds een gezonde, slanke, mooie, lieve en levendige samojeed! Ze rent nog steeds zonder enig probleem mee tijdens lange en stevige wandelingen over de heidevelden en zandverstuivingen, tezamen met haar dochter en kleindochter. Ze schroomt ook niet om tijdens deze tochten ook nog eens een paar flink partijtjes stoeiplezier aan te gaan met haar nazaten.

Our Aurora is 11 years by now!

She still is a healthy, slender, beautiful, sweet and lively samoyed! She runs without any problem, together with her daughter and granddaughter during long and heavy walks on moorlands and sand drifts. She also undauntedly starts to frolic around with her offspring a few times during these trekkings.

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Steun de Noordse stern !!!
  Support Maarten Loonen Arctic Tern

Dankzij de steun van vele donateurs heeft ecoloog en poolonderzoeker Maarten Loonen eind mei veertig geolocators kunnen aanschaffen. Deze piepkleine datarecordertjes gaat hij zeer binnenkort op Spitsbergen aan de poten hangen van veertig Noordse sternen. In ieder geval zullen 33 vogels vliegen onder de naam die een gulle gever hen gaf, zoals Suzanne, Federico Segundo, Arctic Jewel en Guusje.

Maar we zijn pas halverwege! Het uiteindelijke doel is € 40.000 bij elkaar te brengen, zodat het onderzoek over meerdere jaren kan worden uitgevoerd. Daarom is de campagne met een maand verlengd.

Op de site (tabblad 'updates') vertelt Maarten meer over zijn onderzoek. Met de informatie die hij verzamelt hoopt hij onder meer inzicht te krijgen in het effect van klimaatverandering op de Noordse stern. Deze 'kampioen der trekvogels' legt jaarlijks een route af van 70.000 tot 90.000 kilometer.

Graag vragen we u om het onderzoek van Maarten Loonen naar de Noordse stern te steunen door uw enthousiasme te delen met vrienden en kennissen. Kijk voor meer informatie

Klik op bovenstaand logo voor meer informatie!

PS: Kennel Koraal ondersteunt ook dit project en mocht
de naam "Arctic Jewel" aan een van de vogels toekennen.
In een later stadium zult u meer over 'onze' vogel kunnen lezen op deze website.


Zrctic Tern with 3 young        

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Kennel Koraal neemt deel aan
het iSPEX project.

iSPEX is een project van Universiteit Leiden, de Nederlandse Onderzoekschool voor Astronomie, SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research, RIVM en KNMI

Het iSPEX-project wordt mogelijk gemaakt door het winnen van de Academische Jaarprijs 2012.

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Holiday in the snow
February 10, 2013
Just some pictures from a wonderful holiday in the snow.
Aurora Sunshine Sunshine
Dvina Dvina Dvina
Dvina Dvina Dvina
Dvina Aurora Aurora
Dvina Aurora Dvina
Dvina   Dvina

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Aurora after her surgery
February 8:
Aurora completely recovered.

January 21: This morning (10 days after the surgery) the vet checked Aurora's wounds and stitches. Everything is OK but she still has to wear the collar some time longer till the wound is completely healed. This is not a problem to her at all. She playes and runs through the woods without any discomfort of the collar. She completely adapted to it and never tries to remove it.

January 14: Aurora is recovering well after her surgery.


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